Professional product development requires professional CAD software, this is where AutoDesk Inventor shines. Mechanical design, simulation and documentation are all integrated into Inventor giving you an all-in-one Software suite perfect for your important work.
What's the difference between AutoDesk Inventor LT and Inventor? Inventor LT allows you to insert 3D mechanical CAD into 2D workflows with part level modelling whereas Inventor allows for creation of professional grade 3D designs with engineering tools. Modelling flexibility, automation, parametric modelling and anyCAD data allow you to improve quote and drawing accuracy, increase engineering design efficiency and seamlessly collaborate with colleagues.
Bargain Hardwares purpose built AutoDesk Inventor Workstations allow you to buy with confidence, all machines are set above the recommended specifications for use of this suite to ensure you get the most out of your unit and ultimately allow you to remain productive.