Incl. Tax £8.40
Part Numbers | 49Y4820, 49Y5341 |
Part Number Info | This is a guaranteed original manufacturer part. It is functionally identical with all of the listed part numbers. As the manufacturer references the same item by many different part numbers, we do not guarantee that all of the listed part numbers will be visible on the item that you receive. Should you require a specific part number to be visible on the item, please contact us before your purchase. |
Brand | IBM |
Type | Heatsink |
Model | CPU Heatsink |
Compatible Models | IBM System X3650 M2, IBM System X3650 M3 |
To Fit | IBM System X3550, X3650 M2/M3 |
Compatible With | IBM System X3550, X3650 M2/M3 |
Model | CPU Heatsink |
All our components & non-complete system parts are quality tested and supplied with a 90 day Return To Base warranty within the EU, beginning from the date you receive the product(s).
Our 90 day warranty provides sufficient time to allow you to fully test your purchase and discover any unlikely, underlying issues.