Dell EMC Node Servers

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Dell make true innovation possible with High Performance Computing (HPC). Regardless of industry advances in supercomputing make data analytics and AI truly accessible, solving the most complex of problems in record time Dell Node Servers offer a complete solution for every business. Newer Dell EMC FX & FC systems feature DDR4 ECC RAM, with huge per node capacities, Dual Intel Xeon or AMD EPYC processors, Intelligent RAID, Flexible Networking ports and support for M.2 SSD drives, giving you the supercomputer required in space conscious flexible chassis.
High-density refurbished Dell EMC node servers from Bargain Hardware allow you to truly get the most for your money, in many cases you can populate full rack cabinets, for the price of one new system. Dell Enclosures such as the Dell FX2 equips 4x FC630 half-width blade servers giving you the power of 176-cores, 352-threads and 8TB of DDR4 RAM per 2U of rack-space, allowing you to consolidate you're entire infrastructure into a flexible and reliable rack server.