Dell R320, R420 HS PSU 350W Platinum

50+ in stock
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  • Part Numbers: Y8Y65, P7GV4, 09WR03, 0P7GV4, 0Y8Y65, 9WR03
  • Max Output: #specdesc_maxoutputpower#
  • Brand: Dell
  • Fast UK and EU Delivery
  • Professionally Refurbished
  • 90 Days Return To Base Warranty
More Information
Part Number InfoThis is a guaranteed original manufacturer part. It is functionally identical with all of the listed part numbers. As the manufacturer references the same item by many different part numbers, we do not guarantee that all of the listed part numbers will be visible on the item that you receive. Should you require a specific part number to be visible on the item, please contact us before your purchase.
ModelR320, R420
80 Plus Rating (or Equivalent)80 Plus Platinum 80 Plus Platinum
ModelR320, R420
Part NumbersY8Y65, P7GV4, 09WR03, 0P7GV4, 0Y8Y65, 9WR03
Compatible WithR320, R420
All refurbished PSUs (Power Supply Unit) from Bargain Hardware are supported by a 90 Day Warranty, covering integral hardware that affect the functionality of the equipment.

At Bargain Hardware we only deal with enterprise and business class components from world leading manufacturers. Originally sold with lengthy 3 to 5 year warranties, the PSUs (Power Supply Unit) we sell are designed with robust architecture for the ultimate reliability.

Our standard 90 Day Warranty provides sufficient time to allow you to fully soak test your purchase and discover any unlikely, underlying issues. Failure rates of main electrical components (processor, memory and motherboard) are incredibly low.